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tv   Campaign 2020 Iowa Democratic Party Liberty Justice Celebration  CSPAN  November 6, 2019 6:14am-7:56am EST

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next year and tell us about your flight. we would like to think namira salim, founder of space trust for coming in with us and talking about the future
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>> please welcome to the stage teethree. ♪ ♪
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[applause] thank you. thank you so much. [applause] thank you. thank you iowa.
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thank you iowa democratic party. thank you fellow democrats. [cheers and applause] the first time i came to the state was as a volunteer to knock on doors for presidential candidate a young man with a funny name. [cheers and applause] and we knew the stakes were high then. the stakes are colossal now. if countries cannot afford more for more years that cannot recognize it. we know what is at stake and
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we know he will do everything he can to hold onto power. but if you nominate me his playbook will not work this time around. [cheers and applause] >> i don't get a golf course with my name on it while pretending to care about the working class. i don't even golf. i drive a chevy that was built in ohio by the very same workers this president has led down. [applause] and i don't go to work in an
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office in washington dc. it is six hours that way on iad. here in the midwest. and we can see the outline of our ethanol plant which is why understand the measure of this president's betrayal of american farmers and i know how to talk about it. [cheers and applause] and i do have to throw a military parade to see what a convoy looks like. [cheers and applause] is right about he was doing celebrity apprentice i was in
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gaffe - - afghanistan. that will not work against me. i'm here to end the era of donald trump. i am here to launch the era that must come next. [cheers and applause] because in order to win and lead ill take a lot more than the political warfare we have come to accept from washington dc. [cheers and applause] we already have a divider in chief. i am offering a white house you look at the white house your blood pressure goes down instead of through the roof. i am asking you to picture that first day when donald
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trump is no longer the president of the united states. [cheers and applause] that would end the chaos in the corruption and the tantrum and the tweets but what comes next but still a 14 -year-old who has written out a will because she's afraid her next day at school will be her last. a 12 -year-old will be waiting for action who asked me about healthcare not because she is he in policy buff but because she has juvenile diabetes and is afraid parents will lose their coverage. [applause] i am wanted to make up the
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pieces to do right from those who have waited far too long. [applause] with that majority that is hungry for change. to see that hunger across the country shenandoah iowa where a young man from a farm family instead of asking what role agriculture will play in climate change in a diner in indiana filled with those who are worried about deportation and i will see this in a few
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weeks on the morning of thanksgiving day because in 2019 in rural michigan you see a man going deer hunting with his husband's father. this is a majority ready to deliver the most regressive one - - progressive reform for the last 50 years in medicare for all that want to honoring your decision. [cheers and applause] even to do something about gun violence and climate change to ensure the dignity of every american to pass the senate
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races to build your health and wealth and your life expectancy or a relationship with law enforcement. people are ready to get this done. so stand with our teachers. [cheers and applause] let people of faith know you don't have to shake your head and ask yourself. iowa is a stranger and you welcomed me. [applause] i will not waver from our commitment to the boldness of our ideas are attire from the efforts to include everyone in
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the future we are trying to build. progressives, moderates and republicans who are ready for a change. the time has come. [applause] we will fight when we must fight but i will never get so wrapped up in the fighting that we think fighting is the point. the point is what lies on the other side of the fight. [cheers and applause] and what is on the other side of that fight is the hope of the american experience defined by belonging and that is what we are here to deliver. [cheers and applause]
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and talking about hope and belonging call it optimistic but do not call it naïve. this is not based on my age but on my experience. [cheers and applause] [applause] [applause] . . . . hr
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your vote for president of the united states. [applause] [cheering] that's why i believe in this country. [applause] i would ask you to caucus for me on february 3 because i know what the presidency is for this
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and the glorification of the president it is the unification of the american people. that is why we have the office. [applause] are you ready to bring this country together is? are you ready to turn to a new era together? let us make history together and we will have a lot to celebrate and we will know where to go from there. thank you, iowa. thank you, democrats. thank you so much. ♪
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vice president joe biden. ♪ [cheering]
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thank you, thank you. hello, iowa democrats. let me get right to it. you all know this election is more important than anyone you've ever voted in, no matter your age and it's not because of us running but the man that holds the office. the very character of america is on the ballot next november. the very character of the country. donald trump is lacking any character we need. you know, folks, hate only hides. it's never leave. it comes out from under the rock
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anincludes everything. this is a man who started this campaign based on hate and division, dividing people in ways whose embrace, he's looked at people like vladimir putin and embraced them. there's a couple things i've learned the past couple of weeks. number one is vladimir putin doesn't want me to be president. [applause] and number two, donald trump doesn't want me to be the nominee. he spent a lot of money to make sure that i'm not.
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i'm flattered. we have got to beat this man. it's not enough that we just be ten. we have to beat him so everyone knows we are not going back to the time when another president like kim can hold that office. i will beat him like a drum if i am your nominee and he knows it. he breathes nothing but oxygen into hate. look what happened in charlottesville. people coming out of the woods and fields carrying torches,
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preaching hate and division. the comment on that or did he say he said they were very fine people on both sides. no president in the american history has ever said that including andrew johnson before the civil war. look, folks i learned something early on from my family. they said nobody is better than you but everyone is your equal. think about it, how we are treating people, how he has treated people. look my dad used to say it's all
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about dignity. i said after charlottesville we were in a battle for the soul of america and we are. if you doubt it, think about it. the middle class is under siege and it is the soul of america. wall street bankers didn't build america. the middle class built america and unions built the middle class. [cheering] how can a parent maintain their dignity when they look at a child with a pre-existing condition something they can't afford to get insurance for th
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them, how can a parent maintain their dignity when they have a child or husband or wife who's terminally ill and the insurance company can come along and say sorry, you have run out of coverage, die in peace on your own. how can a parent have the dignity? that's why we have to build on the affordable care act and not abandon it. that's why we have to provide a public option. that's why we have to make sure everyone has access. ladies and gentlemen, we can do this quickly without taxing the middle class and make sure 160 million people that have health insurance they like him keep it if they like and if not, they can buy into a medicare
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like proposal. ladies and gentlemen, it will not take four or five or ten years to happen, it will happen immediately. [applause] [cheering] we know the increase in taxes. how can a parent maintain their dignity and have to look into say like many people did this fall at the breakfast table sorry we can't borrow the money or figured out how to get you there. there's nothing we can do i'm sorry. we have to change this. my wife, jill, teaches full ti time. 12 years of education is no
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longer enough to make it in the middle class that's why we have triple the amount of money that we spend paying teachers 60 grand making sure her children can go to school and making sure community college is free and those that have college debt if they volunteer and engage in public service their debts can be forgiven. that's what he can do. how can we look at our children knowing that this issue facing america is climate change and we are doing nothing about it or how can we walk into a situation where today children went to school learning how to duck and cover because they may get shot in school, talk about a troubled soul in the country, that's
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trouble. we have to go out and take on the nra and beat them. i'm the only one that has beat them and i will beat them again. assault rifles, there is no room for them. in addition to that, what rationale that is a sick system ladies and gentlemen. and talking about climate change first thing i will do as your president is rejoined the paris climate accord which i helped train together. and the nations that joined that i will up the ante on them to make sure they keep it and that
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we put in place a climate change plan. we make up 15%. what we will do we will have locked in standards that cannot be changed. ladies and gentlemen how can we talk about not restoring the soul of america if we don't do that? ladies and gentlemen we think about the way we work now. as i said, why in god's name should a firefighter, school teacher, nurse pay a tax rate higher than a trader making millions of dollars. it's wrong and under my proposal i promise we will begin to reward and we are going to
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change the tactics. [applause] [cheering] we are in a situation where the next president of the united dates is going to face a world in chaos. it's going to require a president that on day number 110 unite the country has the experience to put together major initiatives to bring the country together. i know some of my colleagues say that's naïve but i've done it. i promise you i know how to do it and i will do it again. if you can't bring the country together we are in trouble. ladies and gentlemen, think about it. the next president is going to be commander in chief in a world
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of disarray. there will be no time for on-the-job training knowing that our allies know what you are doing and that you will keep your word. [cheering] folks, look. the united states of america is so much better prepared than any nation in the world. we are the wealthiest country in the world it has the most productive, three-time as productive every major change taking place in more of them in the united states than all of the rest of the world combined.
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[cheering] so what are we doing? democrats, republicans and independents walking around with their heads down like what are we going to do. the first thing we have to do is get rid of donald trump, get him out of office. once that happens, the road is cleared for significant change. there is no reason why we will not lead the world in the 21st century. it's time for america to lift their heads up and remember who in god's name we are. this is the united states of america. we have never, never failed a conflict he set our minds to once we decide what you're going to do. it's time to decide and vote. [cheering] here's the deal. the only thing that stands in the way is donald trump.
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he's spending so much money running ads against me in a primary because he knows that i will be tim and i will beat him like a drum. ladies and gentlemen, get out and remember who we are. let's take the country back and begin to leave the world again. thank you, thank you. ♪
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♪ ♪ [cheering] ♪ thank you, iowa [cheering] i love campaigning in iowa because this is one of the only places in the country where democracy still works as it is
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intended. you know this but i don't know if you realize how much power is in this room tonight. [cheering] i did the math. do you know how many californians each of you is worth? 1,000 each. when i look around at the arena tonight i do not just c. 14,000 iowans, ic 14 million californians. that is the power in this roomhave the power to change the course of history. that's why it is a thrill to be back here and a privilege to address the wall. i'm a presidential candidate, yes i am also a parent. how many of you are parents. my wife is here with us tonight. we have two young boys,
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christopher and damien. i'm running because of a thought that we have had unafraid to express and it is this, our kids are not all right. we have left them a future darker than the lives that we have learned. many of you think of me as a business guy but for the last seven years i've been a nonprofit guy. i started a nonprofit called venture for america that helped create thousands of jobs in cities like detroit, cleveland, st. louis, baltimore and you know what i saw during this seven years? millions of young people who are not starting families let alone businesses because they couldn't pay their bills. i sold millions of young people buried under a mountain of debt and trapped in their parents basement. [cheering] iphone record high levels of
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anxiety, stress, depression, mental illness and even suicide and drug overdoses. first time in 100 years it's happened and if you turn on cable news today why would you think donald trump is our president? go-ahead and shouts something now. russia, racism, hillary clinton, e-mails, all mixed together. but i believe many of you know different. i am a numbers guy into the reason that he is our president, the reason that he won your state by eight points is that we gave away 40,000 manufacturing jobs right here and you saw all those towns go from blue to red as it happened. and it didn't just happen here in iowa, we did it in chicken,
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ohio, pennsylvania, wisconsin, missouri. all the swing states he needed to win. 4 million manufacturing jobs and unfortunately we are not stopping there. how many of you have seen stores close where you live and work in the state? and why are they closing, it is a one-word answer. amazon. that's right. $20 billion in business every year causing 30% of choice for us and all stood close. how much do they pay in federal taxes last year? if your math, 20 billion hours, zero back. 30% of your stores and malls closed. the most common job in your state is retail. a 39-year-old woman making between nine to $10 an hour. when her store closes, what is her next move going to be? im a numbers guy but you don't need the numbers. look around your communities. you see it when you walk into
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cvs and the grocery store. we see our neighbors and kids addicted to drugs and headlines where they are working on cars that can drive themselves. these are the problems of donald trump elected, more and more are feeling left behind. experts are calling this economic transformation, this period before the industrial revolution. when is the last time you heard a politician even say the word industrial revolution? just now, right? and i'm barely a politician. these are the problems i got donald trump elected and this is what you must solve and use your power. ask yourself for a moment how is a man you never heard of eight months ago going after joe biden and elizabeth warren? [cheering] how did a man you never heard of
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before raise $10 million last quarter in increments of only $30 each? my fans are almost as cheap as bernie. it's because i know what the true nature of the problems are and how we can solve them. [cheering] it is up to you to take these to present a new way forward as fast as possible. what is this new way forward, what is the vision? if you don't know anything about me or my campaign, an asian man running for president that wants to get [inaudible] the first time you heard that it sounded like a gimmick too good to be true but it's not my idea and it's not a new idea. martin luther king fought for it in the 60s. economists endorsed it, the house of representatives passed it twice in 1971 and 11 years later once they passed the
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dividend between one to $2,000 a year no questions asked" a status that and how does alaska pay for its? what is the oil of the 21st century? technology, software, so driving cars and trucks. our data is now worth more than oil. raise your hand if you got your data check in the mail. where do they go, facebook, amazon, google and a trillion dollar tech companies that are paying zero. think about what a thousand dollars a month would've been in the hands of you and your friends and neighbors who need a lower stress level it would mean fewer arguments with your spouse, being able to retire with dignity. it would mean not having to choose between car repairs and new clothing for your kids. it's not about the money but it's about what it means to us. i've been getting a thousand dollars a month to families for a number of months now.
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i recommend it. one of them is here tonight who lives in iowa falls. thank you, kyle. so he lives in iowa falls with his mom is recovering from cancer. when i saw kyle on my last trip he said he'd taken care of some bills and was playing shows for the first time in years. it was a guitar in for jodi it was car repairs to visit her daughter, mallory in florida it was going back to school at the age of 68. this is what the freedom to spend would mean for us in real life and the reason you can make the reality like this because it is your power and your power alone. [cheering] now, my first move was sent to
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run for president of the united states, because i am not insane. [laughter] i worked for the obama administration, went to washington, d.c. and said what are we going to do to help our fellow citizens understand it isn't immigrants causing the problems come its technology and an economy of pushing more and more of us to decide. and folks in bc had very little to offer. one of them gave me guidance that led me here to all of you tonight. he said you are in the wrong town. no one in washington, d.c. will touch this because fundamentally it isn't a town of leaders is a town of followers. the only way we will do anything to create a wave in the rest of the country and that's why i'm with you tonight, i am iowa.
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i'm running for president because i fantasize about being for president, i'm running because like so many of you in this room, i am a parent and patriot. i see the future that lies ahead for our children, and it's not something i am willing to accept. [cheering] in iowa you know what the future holds if you look up. you saw it happen to your farms and your factories. now it's on your main streets. soon it will hit your highways. it's up to you and you alone to turn the tide. you must be the way that helps us rewrite the rule of the 21st century economy to work for us, to work for you how the people of this country. [cheering] you must be the way of that helps the entire nation have a way forward and gives me and millions of parents around the country the ability to lock our children in the eye and say with
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truth in our heart your country loves you, your country values you, and you are going to be all right. .. [applause] ♪ ♪
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>> elizabeth warren. ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪
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♪ >> hello, iowa! [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> okay. hello, iowa. [cheers and applause] >> i am here to talk about something people all across iowa and all across america know down deep in their lungs. our democracy has been hijacked by the rich and powerful. they make it work for
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themselves and they leave everyone else behind. we see it every time a corporate executive threatens to cut pay and move jobs overseas. every time an insurance company denies access to the doctors people trust. we see it when a criminal justice system tears apart black and browned families. and the list goes on. people crushed by student loan debt. people crushed by student loan debt. we see it over and over. we see it when the gun industry for bids any a vote on sensible legislation that can save the lives of our children. we see it when an oil industry continues to drill and calls all the shots in washington.
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that is corruption, plain and simple, and we need to be willing to call it out for what it is. [cheers and applause] >> if we are going to make the big challenges of our time, it is going to take big structural change and that starts with you, iowa. you know, a lot of people are afraid of big structural change, afraid because they are already rich and powerful and lose influence, sucking up to those who are rich and powerful, afraid because they see in america where they won't be able to make the changes
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they need. afraid because they are eager, too cynical or too downtrodden to believe change is possible. not me. i believe in change and i know that we can get it done. why do i know we can get it done? because i have done it. i want to tell you story when i was a young mom. toasters could actually set house is on fire, really. those little toaster ovens didn't have a shot off switch. you put in the bread, let the bacon fry, leave the room and come back and your toast would
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literally be in flames. sometimes along with the kitchen, curtains and kitchen cabinets as well. and then a federal agency stepped in and said enough. you can't sell toasters in america that could have a one in 5 chance of burning down your house. no more toasters -- backed by the early 2000s, mortgages in this country had gotten so complicated and so dangerous that they had a one in 5 chance of costing a family their home. not because of fire, but because of foreclosure. only this time, this time the federal government was not on the side of families. it was deep in the pockets of the big banks. in fact so deep in the pockets of the big banks that they permitted millions of those
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mortgages to be sold and they crashed our economy. that was 2008. so i had an idea and the idea was consumer agencies that would protect people, that would protect people when they got mortgages or credit or payday loans the same way other consumer agencies had protected people when they bought toasters. here is the deal. i went to washington and tried to talk to everybody i could about this idea and they told me two things. almost everyone i talked to said the same two things. first, that is a great idea. you could make a real difference. that is structural change. the second thing, don't even try.
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big money, big banks, they will fight you. the republicans fight you, democrats will fight you. you will never get this done. i get it. big structural change is hard but it was the right thing to do. so we took on wall street, we took on the big money and we won and that little consumer agency has now forced the big banks to return $12 billion directly to people they cheated. we know how to make government work for the people. so what did i learn from this fight? i learned that notwithstanding what the billionaires will tell you, what big ag or big banking
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or big pharma will tell you, if we are going to meet the challenges of our time, we need big ideas. [applause] >> big ideas. big ideas to inspire people and get them out to vote. [cheers and applause] >> big ideas to be the lifeblood of our party and show the world who and what democrats will fight for. [applause]
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>> big ideas to take back the senate and put mitch mcconnell out of a job. [cheers and applause] >> we need big ideas. here is the critical part. we need to be willing to fight for them. it is easy to give up on a big idea, but when we give up on big ideas, we give up on the people whose lives would be touched by those ideas. [cheers and applause] >> and those people are already in a fight. people who are struggling to pay their medical bills are already in a fight. people who are crushed by student loan debt are already
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in a fight. people who are denied the chance to vote, stopped by the police because of the color of their skin are already in a fight. [cheers and applause] >> and those fights are all our fight. [applause] >> anyone who comes on this stage and doesn't understand that we are already in a fight is not the person who is going to win that fight. [cheers and applause]
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>> anyone who comes on this stage and tells you they can make change without a fight is not going to win that fight. [cheers and applause] >> and anyone who comes on this stage and tells you to dream small and give up early is not going to lead our party to victory. [cheers and applause] >> this is a time of crisis and
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media pundits, washington insiders and even some people in our own party don't want to admit it. they think that running some vague campaign that nibbles around the edges is somehow safe. but if the most we can promise is business as usual after donald trump, then democrats will lose. we win when we offer solutions big enough to touch the problems that are in people's lives. fear and complacency does not win elections. hope and courage wins elections. i am not running a consultant
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driven campaign with vague ideas designed not to offend anyone. i am running a campaign based on a lifetime of fighting for working families. i am running a campaign from the heart because 2020 is our time in history. 2020 is our time to win the fight for a green new deal and save this planet. [cheers and applause] >> 2020 is our time to win this fight for medicare for all and save our people.
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2020 is our time to win the fight for a $0.02 wealth tax. 2020 is our time in history, our time to dream big, fight hard and win. [cheers and applause] >> thank you. thank you. thank you. ♪ ♪ pour myself a cup of ambition ♪ and step inside the summer light ♪ the blood starts pumping ♪ folks like me on the job from 9 to 5 ♪ working 9 to 5
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♪ what a way to make a living ♪ getting by ♪ don't taking and no giving ♪ you don't mind ♪ and they never give you credit ♪ drive you crazy if you let it ♪ 9-to-5 ♪ for service and devotion ♪ you would think that i ♪ would deserve a promotion ♪ move ahead ♪ the boss wants to let me ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> put your hands together for senator kamala harris.
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♪ ♪ >> good evening, iowa. we all know why we are here. we are here because this is the moment we have to be prepared
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to fight for the best of our country. this is the moment we need to fight for this country we love, for the will of law, for our system of justice and for our very democracy. [applause] >> so we are all here to fight. we are all here to fight to end that national nightmare called donald trump. [cheers and applause] >> and to win, democrats, to win. it can't be about anything other than looking at the future. it can't be about looking at yesterday. we need to be focused on
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tomorrow. to win, we are going to have to fight against those who have been pushed and have americans turn on each other. have to fight for what i know in my heart to be true, the beauty of the diversity of who we are as a nation. we all -- [cheers and applause] -- we all have such more in common than what separates us. and to win, and to win, and to
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win, we are going to need a nominee on that stage with donald trump who has the ability to go toe to do with donald trump in iowa. you are looking at her. [cheers and applause] >> i spent my career as a prosecutor. i only had one client in my entire life and that has been the people. unlike other people, unlike others i never represented a corporation, never represented special interests, and i started my career fighting for the people. the first day i walked into a courtroom i spoke five words. kamala harris for the people.
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[cheers and applause] >> and those words for the people, captured our system of justice. two points, one, in our system of justice we have rightly said a harm against anyone is a harm against every one, no one should ever be made to fight alone. and for the people, when i stood there and when i stand here today also means all the people regardless of race, regardless of sexual orientation, regardless of the party with which they are registered to vote. regardless of the language your
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grandmother speaks, it means all the people. it was for the people that a large part of the early part of the career was about fighting against those who molested children and raped women because it was about saying those survivors deserve justice and a voice they gave him safety without judgment. [cheers and applause] >> for the people, in san francisco, the war on drugs was an abject failure so i created national models about what it means for those arrested for drugs. for the people.
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when i was the attorney general of california running the second largest department of justice in the united states second only to the united states department of justice meant taking on the biggest banks in the united states engaged in predatory lending practices and bringing back to the homeowners of my state $20 billion. and for the people, as a united states senator, meant taking on jeff sessions. taking on william barr, taking on brett kavanaugh.
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and for the people, fully prepared to defeat donald trump. that is why i am running. and i will say in the name of the people i believe in 2020, justice is on the ballot. justice is on the ballot. and a father holding down two
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jobs, and economic justice is on the ballot. i am running for president to pass the largest middle-class tax cut we have had in history and you want to know how we are going to pay for? we are going to repeal the tax bill that benefits the top 1% and the biggest corporations in america. in america, there is a mother in a parking lot of a hospital afraid to walk through the sliding glass doors to get into the emergency room with her child because she knows if she walks through those sliding glass doors she will be out of pocket for $4000 deductible, healthcare justice is on the ballot. i am running for president to
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make sure there is medicare for all. not medicare for some, medicare for all. to bring down costs and to ensure you also get choice. don't take away my opportunity to have a private plan, a public or private plan depending on your choice. [cheers and applause] >> when you are looking at teachers who across america and here in iowa are holding down 2 and 3 jobs to get through the end of the month, education justice is on the ballot. i am running for president to put in place what will be the first in our nation's history, federal investment in closing the teacher pay gap in iowa, that will be $12,200 a year.
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when all over america there are women being attacked for their constitutional right to make decisions about their own bodies, reproductive justice is on the ballot. i am running to assure every woman will have her legal and constitutional rights and not be out of date, republican legislators tell women what to do with their bodies. when children in america regardless of who their -- are afraid to go to school because they are afraid they may get shot, afraid there will be a gunman roaming the hallways of their homes, justice for children is on the ballot.
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so i am running for president to take executive action if necessary and implement what people who failed to have courage have not done which is take on the gun lobby in washington dc. and i want to give a shout out to beto because he had the courage, beto had the courage to say you can't walk around talking about gun safety, you don't have the courage to figure out how to take 5 million assault weapons off the streets of america. justice is on the ballot. it is time that we fight. this is a fight that is about all of us because harm against any one of them is harm against all of us and here is the
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bottom line, iowa. i do believe that when we overcome these injustices we will unlock the promise of america and the potential of the american people. i do believe that this is what we want and need. this is the america that i see. that is the america that i believe in. that is the america i know us to be and that is why i am running for president of the united states. please join me in caucus at kamala's corner, thank you. ♪
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♪ >> please welcome tom stier. ♪ ♪ >> this is the biggest gathering of democrats in 2019 and it is going to be the biggest gathering of democrats until the democratic convention
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next spring. pretty amazing. let me say this. you guys are getting a chance to hear a lot of great plans and policies from real democratic leaders. we should all remember that everybody you hear today is more honest, more coherent and more patriotic than the criminal who resides in the white house. everybody. and i know that the people in this stage are all pointing towards february 3, 2020, because that is caucus day but you should know that for me, the big iowa day is december 15, 2019, because my aunt betsy is going to turn 100 in iowa city and she told me i have to be there no matter what else, that has got to be my big
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day. so i know these policies are great and everybody on this stage shares of the same values. we know we need a change, we need a huge win. we need to turn the page. but we are not going to get to do that unless we break the corporate stranglehold that is controlling our government. corporations have bought our government in washington dc and we have to break the corporate stranglehold and that is why i am running for president. because i know to break it we are going to have to tell the truth and take real strong bold action. let me tell you a story about someone who did that in iowa.
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of 2016, mary rose was living in iowa falls, iowa. she is 90 years old and she watched donald trump get elected with poor. she was scared, she was upset, she was worried about the future for her grandchildren. when i started the need to impeach campaign, mary rose immediately signed up. she is 90 years old so she can't go door to door. she can't make a series of phone calls. so what did she do? she wrote over 1000 cards to other americans helping -- asking them to hold the most corrupt president in american history accountable. mary knew that mister trump is a fraud and a failure in the criminal so when people said to us it is not politically smart
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to push impeachment, i am with mary. it is not a question of what is politically convenient. it is a question of what is right. truth and action. that is what america needs. what democrats need are truth and action. we are talking about turn out. we are talking about grassroots. i started one of the biggest grassroots organizations, nexgen america in this country. with our partners in the labor movement we have knocked on tens of millions of doors and organized young people across america including in iowa. in 2018 we did the largest youth voter mobilization in american history. we were in the congressional first and third in iowa. we more than doubled the turnout of young people in those districts and helped to elect cindy and abby.
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[cheers and applause] >> truth and action is how america has solved our biggest challenges at home and abroad and we have a huge challenge in the shape of climate change. i said i would make is my number one priority. there is no doubt in my mind, we need to address it on a real-time basis, on an emergency basis if we are going to handle it. over a decade long history of winning around the country on climate change. i have taken on oil companies, pushed clean energy at the ballot and with partners in the labor movement we have protected and created hundreds of thousands of clean energy jobs across this country.
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in addition especially when the harm is pointed at the most vulnerable communities in this country, low income communities, black and brown communities where pollution is centered i have worked to hold elected officials accountable to make sure those communities, truth and action. if we are going to break the corporate stranglehold on our government that is what it is going to take. we have to take bold action. i'm talking about term limits for congress and the senate, 12 years. earlier, talking about making congress look more like america. you want to make congress look more like america? how about term limits? congress is not supposed to be a lifetime appointment.
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you want the strongest argument for term limits that i know, it is six words, mitch mcconnell, lindsey graham, chuck grassley. you want to get rid of them? term limits. but let me say this too. we don't have a failed society. sometimes i listen to people talking in politics, sounds like we have a failed society, we don't have a failed society. we have the most successful society in the history of this planet. we have a failed government. if we can get back to government of, by and for the people and control our climate crisis we are in the best position of any people in the history of the planet. we are going to get everything. we are going to get a right to an equal vote for every american. we are going to get a right to clean air and clean water. nobody voices us for profit. we are going to get a right to
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a living wage because one job should always be enough. we are going to get a right to quality because schools should never be for sale and we are going to get healthcare as a right. we are going to get affordable healthcare as a right for every american because companies should never be able to dictate our care. we are looking at the best position we could be in. i want to talk about how i got on the stage and started a company by myself, no employees and built a pretty big company. i took the giving pledge to give away the bulk of my assets while i am alive and walked
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away from that company and spent my life building coalitions of americans to take on unchecked corporate power and voice for broader democracy. that may seem strange. why does that make sense? it makes sense if you know my family. my mom was a teacher from minnesota. and she ended up teaching in the new york public schools and the brooklyn house of protection. my dad was the first generation to go to college. my grandfather is a plumber. he was so grateful for the opportunity the country gave him, left his law practice, went into the navy in world war ii and as a lawyer ended up prosecuting the nazis at nuremberg. they thought you give back at least as much as you get because that is what you do and
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actions speak louder than words. my mom said that to me every day of my life, actions speak louder than words. when people told me nobody beat the oil companies, they are too rich and powerful, you will never win. we went ahead and won. i delivered on that promise. when they said the tobacco companies have won 17 times in a row, don't waste your time, i delivered on that promise. and when people said impeaching the president is a liberal pipe dream, forget it. it is never going to happen, you are ridiculous. look at where we are now, i delivered on that promise. let me say that, if you support me there are three things i promise you. i will tell the truth. i will take bold action. and i will deliver on the
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promise. so iowa, best day of the year for democrats is today. we are going to have a huge victory come next fall. let's do it together, thank you very much. ♪ ♪
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>> senator bernie sanders. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> iowa democrat, let me congratulate troy bright and
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the iowa democratic party returning to congressional seats in 2018. that is no small feat. the iowa democratic party is on the move. i look forward to working with you to make sure that in this finally important battleground state we take back iowa in the general election and defeat trump and defeat him badly. and i will do everything possible to make that happen and i am very happy to announce tonight at $20,000 donation from my campaign to the iowa democratic party. tonight, all of us no matter
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what candidate are in agreement, must defeat the most dangerous president in the history of our country. a man who is a pathological liar, a man who is running the most corrupt administration in the history of the country, a man who does not understand the rule of law or our constitution, and a man who will soon be impeached. that is what we all agree on. we are friends, let us acknowledge we have some disagreements. at the end of the day the
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democratic party, iowa, vermont and every state in the country have got to make a fundamental decision. do we continue the status quo politics which has enabled the wealthiest people in our country, the largest corporations and their lobbyists to have extraordinary influence over the economic and political life of this country. now is the right answer. that is where the republican party is and has always been. as democrats, it seems to me we must chart a very different path. at a time of massive income and wealth inequality, the
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democratic party must become the party of the working class of this country. not super pac, not corporate interests. in that regard i am very proud, our campaign has received more campaign contributions for more people than any candidate in the history of presidential politics up until this point in this campaign. i want to thank the teachers, waiters and waitresses, and other members of the working class supporting the campaign so strongly.
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i want to quote to you one of the great political leaders of the last century. in 1936 a famous campaign speech, franklin delano roosevelt reflected on his first term in office and i quote, had to struggle with the old enemies, business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, war profiteering. the government of the united states was a mere appendage.
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and never have these forces been so united against one candidate. they are unanimous, i welcome their hatred end quote. what was true in 1936 is perhaps even more true today, when three people have more wealth than the bottom half of america. in the last 30 years the top 1% have seen a $21 trillion increase in their wealth, many of the largest, most profitable corporations in america do not pay a nickel in federal income
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tax. i understand that nobody likes to be hated. not me, not you, not anyone. real change never takes place without struggle. without having, as roosevelt told us, the courage to take on a corporate elite whose greed and corruption is destroying the middle class of this country. tonight i say to you if i'm fortunate enough to accept the nomination of our party in milwaukee, that contention will not be funded by corporate interests or their lobbyists. that convention and our victory
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over donald trump will be funded by millions of americans who are sick and tired of status quo and politics. in order to defeat trump and generate voter turnout, we need an agenda that speaks to the pain. let me quote another great historical figure, nelson mandela. it always seem, impossible until it is done, it always seems impossible, end quote.
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and real change is impossible. let me respectfully disagree. in my view healthcare is a human right, not a privilege. we will pass the insurance company, like it or not, medicare for all. we will end starvation wages. and $15 an hour, and make it easier for workers to enjoy these. every person in our country regardless of income is
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entitled to quality education which is why we will have universal free pay, increased funding for public schools, provide teachers with the income and respect they are due. make public colleges and universities tuition free, and cancel all student debt in america. and when it comes to whether or not we save our planet, that is not a debatable issue. we will take on the greed of the fossil fuel industry, we will transform our energy system away from fossil fuels to energy efficiency and
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sustainable energy and we will pass the green new deal. together we will reform a broken and racists criminal justice system. we will end the war on drugs, we will be the lies marijuana and expunge the wreckage of those arrested for possession of marijuana. together, we will end a broken immigration system, a comprehensive immigration reform and a path toward citizenship for the 11 million undocumented. together we will codify roe
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versus wade into law and make certain that it is the women of this country who have a right to control their own body, not politicians. and together, we will stand up to the nra. we will not be intimidated by the nra and i want to thank my good friend beto o'rourke for helping to lead the effort for the horrific level of gun violence we see in this country. brothers and sisters, good policy is good politics. now is the time to stand with the working families of our
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country and end the outrageous level of greed and corruption we see. now is the time to create a political movement and a government that works for all of us, not just super pacs and the 1%. thank you very much. ♪ ♪ power to the people ♪ power to the people ♪ power to the people ♪ power to the people ♪ power to the people ♪ power to the people ♪ power to the people at home
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♪ >> the senate judiciary committee will authorize the usa freedom act which expands the bulk collection of private record by the government. there will be testimony from government officials at 10:00 eastern. we have live coverage of donald trump holding a campaign rally in louisiana. the senate is back to debate on judicial nominations for the second circuit court of appeals. on c-span3, the senate aging committee will prevent veterans being scammed online. >> the house will be in order. >> for 40 years c-span has provided america unfiltered coverage of congress, the white house, the supreme court in public policy events in


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